Business Economics Bachelor's study programme

General Information

Degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Credit points 180 CP
Standard period of study 6 semesters
Start of studies Winter semester only
Form of study Classroom teaching, Full-time studies, International study programme
Medium of instruction English
Admission restricted (Uni-NC)
Study without Abitur yes (Details)
Specific admission requirements yes (Details)
Faculty Juristische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institute School of Economics and Business
Accreditation accredited
Alle Studienangebote

Programme Objectives

The bachelor's programme BSc Business Economics at Halle University is an internationally recognised 3-year degree programme that provides you with the skills and the knowledge needed for a career in an international setting.

The programme is designed to give students a solid understanding of business management, economics and quantitative methods that can readily be applied in an international environment. You will pursue your studies with a diverse mix of German and international students, small class sizes and lectures held by German and international professors.

Applicants to our programme have a genuine interest in business management and economics and possess excellent proficiency in English. International applicants bring the desire to immerse themselves in a multilingual environment and to benefit from a strong command of the German language by the end of their studies.

Study in Halle!

Aside from academic success, your time at Halle University can and should be very enriching personally. Staff and student tutors, the Orientation Week and events organized by the International Office will help you settle in quickly and you will make friends that just  might accompany you throughout your studies and potentially for the rest of your life.

The city of Halle is the largest and most densely populated city in the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt. Architectural monuments, an opera house, the Händel auditorium and multiple theatres and stages, make Halle an important historic and cultural destination. The banks of the Saale river as well as numerous parks and pubs invite students to pursue recreational activities and to hang out with friends. With its university and two colleges, renowned research institutions for economics and biosciences as well as a booming logistics industry, Halle is also one of the thriving cities in the region.

Halle University does not charge tuition fees but only a small social contribution, i.e. a semester fee, which includes public transport. Students should anticipate total monthly expenses of approximately 750 Euros including rent, food, transportation and health insurance. Students typically live in either dormitories, shared accommodation or single appartments that range from 150-300 Euros. There are only limited financial support schemes available for international undergraduate students but you may work a limited number of days to support your studies. Our International Office will be happy to assist you in these matters.

Career Opportunities

Our students acquire a wide range of transferable skills, enabling them to pursue a wide range of careers as e.g. managers, consultants or economists in both the private and the public sector and join

  • International co-operations
  • Government and public agencies
  • Consulting firms

or pursue entrepreneurial activities. Good results in your undergraduate studies further allow you to successfully pursue graduate studies.


The study programme is accredited. Detailed information available at

Programme Structure

The study programme is structured as follows:

  • Compulsory Modules (85 CP)
  • Foreign Languages (40 CP)
  • Elective Modules (30 CP)
  • General Education Courses (10 CP)*
  • Internship (5 CP)
  • Bachelor's Thesis (10 CP)

*The General Education Courses (GEC) comprise presentation and language courses as well as courses that develop written, oral, social and intercultural competencies. These competencies help graduates to enter their professional careers.

The first two years are taught entirely in English and will familiarise you with subjects relevant to both business studies and economics. German students take advanced English classes and other languages of their choice while international students benefit from integrated German language classes. In the final year you may then choose from a broad range of electives taught in both English and German that reflect your personal interests.


Module CP recom. sem.

Principles of Management

5 1

Principles of Economics

5 1

Introduction to Financial Accounting

5 1
Mathematics I 5 1
Language I-VIII 40 1-4

Intermediate Microeconomics       

5 2
Cost Accounting 5 2

Mathematics II

5 2
Statistics I 5 2
Intermediate Macroeconomics 5 3

Production and Logistics

5 3

Statistics II

5 3
Accounting and Taxation 5 4
International Economics 5 4
Introductory Economics 5 4
Internship 5 5 or 6
Principles of Investment 5 5

Public Economics

5 5

Seminar in Business Economics

5 5 or 6

General Education Courses (GEC)

(Allgemeine Schlüsselqualifikationen (ASQ))

Electives 30 3-6

Thesis Module "Bachelor Business Economics"


5 or 6

The General Education Courses (GEC) comprise presentation and language courses as well as courses that develop written, oral, social and intercultural competencies. These competencies help graduates enter their professional careers.

The content, learning objectives, workload, requirements and prerequisites of specific modules are published in the module catalogue and in the study and examination regulations (non-official reading version in English), respectively. 


As a student of our international programme you must complete an internship in the course of your studies. With your profound knowledge of economics and management skills along with an excellent command of English, German and usually a third language, you will be an invaluable asset to both companies in and around Halle such as BMW, Porsche, Dell, DHL and to major consulting/auditing firms as well as to other institutions and companies in Germany and abroad. For more details about the compulsory internship please see the study and examination regulations.

Study abroad

We recommend for you to study one semester at a foreign university but an exchange semester is not compulsory. The Faculty of Law and Economics of Halle University maintains partnerships with several universities abroad, which include student exchanges. However, students can also organize and arrange stays abroad on their own initiative. Students are advised by the Faculty of Law and Economics on their planned studies abroad and are supported during the exchange.

Before beginning studies abroad, a learning agreement should be agreed upon with the Department of Economic Sciences regarding the recognition of the academic achievements obtained abroad.

Admission Requirements

A recognised, direct university entrance qualification in Germany is a prerequisite for the admission to the study programme.

German applicants typically obtain their direct university entrance qualification via German Abitur. International applicants must have their entrance qualification evaluated by uni-assist e.V. International applicants with an indirect university entrance qualification in Germany may attend the Preparatory College (Studienkolleg) to obtain access to higher education in Germany. (Hint: uni-assist provides a tool to check your university entrance qualification in Germany.)

However, vocationally qualified persons without a university entrance qualification can obtain the entitlement to study for this programme after proving themselves in probationary studies (Probestudium) or by taking a university entrance examination (Feststellungsprüfung).

Additionally, all applicants must provide proof of their proficiency in English at the B2 level. Exclusively, the following proofs are accepted:

  1. Abitur: minimum score of 10 points in the Abitur examination or on average across the final 4 school terms before obtaining the university entrance qualification;
  2. Cambridge English: minimum First Certificate in English (FCE) with grade C;
  3. Placement test B2 at Halle University: passed, if offered*;
  4. minimum grade of 2.0 in English as part of a successfully passed Assessment Test (Feststellungsprüfung; FSP) at the Preparatory College of Saxony-Anhalt (Landesstudienkolleg Sachsen-Anhalt);
  5. Native speaker of English: A native speaker is defined as someone who has obtained the university entrance qualification or bachelor's degree or an equivalent educational qualification in one of the following countries and has completed at least the last 2 years of the school or university education there: Australia, Ireland, Canada (excluding Quebec), New Zealand, Singapore, United Kingdom, USA;
  6. IELTS: minimum total band score of 6.0;
  7. TOEFL iBT: minimum score of 72;
  8. UNIcert II.

*If you wish to participate in the placement test at Halle University, you need to be able to travel to Halle for this purpose: We do not issue invitation letters for visas to take the test. Please also read our FAQ to learn about the advantage of submitting an internationally recognised test score.

The proof of proficiency in English above are all recognised as valid for an unlimited period.

Sound knowledge of mathematics is strongly recommended.

This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.


The admission to BSc Business Economics is currently restricted (Uni-NC).

Required documents

Besides the application for admission, all applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  1. A hard copy of your school leaving certificate. If applicable: hard copies of all previously earned academic degrees and transcripts (and official translations, unless the originals are in English or in German). Important note: Applicants via uni-assist upload their certificates and transcripts (both in original language and official translations, unless the originals are in English or in German) with their online application. For those applicants it is not necessary to hand in any additional hard documents.

  2. Recognised proof of your proficiency in English language as stated in the admission requirements above;

  3. Proof of any relevant practical experience as outlined in the selection regulations.

This chapter consists of excerpts roughly translated into English. Only the study and examination regulations are legally binding.

Information for international applicants

For any questions regarding application and admission - except eligibility - please see website or contact the International Students Section (Student Registration Office) via

Selection Procedure and Selection Criteria

Selection criteria are the average grade, the English language level and relevant practical experience.

Each applicant can achieve a maximum of 100 points, which are calculated from the following areas:

  • the grade of the university entrance qualification (0-60 points),

  • a maximum of 30 points for the English language level ranging from 0 points (B2 level) to 30 points (C2 level) and

  • a maximum of 10 points for the proof of
    • relevant work experience like apprenticeship, internship, recognised voluntary social year (German: Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) or similar: none= 0; up to 6 months= 3; more than 6 months = 5 points and/or
    • international experience like school, work and travel or similar: none= 0; up to 6 months= 3; more than 6 months = 5 points

Detailed information can be found in the selection regulations (non-official reading version in English) of the study programme.

Programme Advisor

For detailed information concerning the contents, objectives and structure of the programme, please contact the programme advisor.

Christian Geißler

School of Economics and Business

Große Steinstraße 73
Room: 130
06108 Halle (Saale)

Phone: +49 345 55 23340

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Version: 05.06.2023